Don’t get caught without a brand strategy

A strategy is a plan. Things change, projects develop and apps can crash (talking to you IG) Building a brand with a strong strategy, will allow you so much freedom and stress-free decision making when your brand grows.

Life happens fast and if you aren't prepared to promote your brand in a strong and confident way, the integrity of your business can be compromised.

Seven ways you can start to build your brand strategy now:

1. Plan your goals ( big and small )
If you don’t know where you are going, then you most defiantly won’t know how to get there.

Action: Write out your 6 month, 1 year, and 3 year goals.

2. Learn Your Audience
Who is your audience? Not everything appeals to everyone.

Action: Create a gold standard client and stick to content that they would want.

3. Adjust Your Sales Platforms
Where are you selling your services?

Action: Is the platform you are using the best option?

4. Analyze Your Competitors
Might want to take a quick peek over at what your neighbour is doing.

Action: Analyze your competitors; Where are you different, better, maybe worse?

5. Build Your Marketing
What’s coming down the pipeline for you to promote about your business?

Action Item: Write a list of 20 selling points.

6. Utilize Your Social Accounts

Are you using these free services to the best of their ability to really showcase your brand?

Action Item: Make your social pages flawless and on-brand. Add in your mission statement and update your images.

7. Implement Your Brand

Creating cohesion across all your platforms creates so much cohesion in brands. Update your footers, banners, icons, profile images and more.

Action Item: Download my Branding Implementation Workshop to learn how to take advantage of your brand and stop leaving money on the table!


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