Five reasons why working with me, is better than an agency

True Story. I was fired from an advertising agency after I took leave when my dad had a heart attack and I was told upon return I wasn’t "dedicated” enough to the role. MY WORLD FELL.

How could I have been seen as a mediocre asset to the team, when I had put so much passion and effort into their company?

The next few months I hummed and hawed with what I wanted to do. Then, as if it wasn’t already obvious, it was like a light bulb moment for me. I don’t need to work with an agency to continue loving my job. If I make the rules for myself, there is no reason I can’t succeed. And I did! Now, three years later I’m working with like-minded clients, I’m setting the pace and I can take family time ANYTIME.

If you are a large business and are looking for a quick turnaround, less hands-on experience and have a large budget, maybe an agency is for you (just make sure you find the right one.) BUT if you are looking for a connection with your designer, to support a local business and be more hands-on in the development of your branding…


One: Price.

Im the only person here. Your packages pay my wage, my expenses and the occasional green tea latte. No outsourcing here, and no ridiculous overhead.

Two: Communication.

Hi! Hello, I'm a real person from Calgary, Canada. You can find me on all social media platforms, you can see my home office in video calls. I can understand and answer all your questions in real-time. Let's connect!

Three: Values.

I have them. I only work with clients I love and want to support. Unlike some competitors who take on clients just for the $$ I'm here for the greater good and positive vibes. I see potential in clients, not dollar signs.

Four: Comfortability.

Im here to help! There are no wrong questions! I position myself as a creative consultant to help you. Ask the questions, make the mistakes, and learn the ropes. We all start somewhere!

Five: Hands-On Approach.

Let me show you how to… upload, change, write, post, design and more. All of my packages include training sessions to leave you feeling CONFIDENT implementing and running your packages upon completion.

I’d love to hear your stories about working with or at an advertising agency. Comment them below, or send me an email. :)


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